I Hope You Will Never Regret

Chapter 41 Restoration Group

On Wednesday morning, Joy walked to the Restoration Group. She smiled brightly at the receptionist and said, “Good morning, my name is Joy Dube. I have an appointment with President Taylor.” The receptionist smiled and replied, “President Taylor is in the meeting at the moment. I will take you to the lounge.” Joy nodded her head and followed her.

They took a lift to the top floor, then the receptionist showed her where to wait and she went back to the reception area. When Joy arrived at the lounge, there was the most handsome boy she had ever seen. She greeted him with a smile and introduced herself. She looked at the handsome young man and said, “Young man, you are so handsome. Are you here for an audition?”

The young man smiled and replied, “Yes, I am here for an audition. The famous Director Stanley is looking for a male lead for his new movie. Are you here for an audition too?” Joy smiled brightly and said, “No, I am having a meeting with President Taylor. I was told that he was currently at a meeting. Please do me a favour. Don’t accept any roles unless they offer you a Prince or a King role.”

The young man smiled and asked, “Why?” Joy replied, “You have the aura of a king, and you are so handsome. Did your parents allow you to join the entertainment industry?” He nodded his head and said, “They didn’t have a choice because I am coming from a poor background. Do you hate the entertainment industry?”

Joy smiled and replied, “I don’t hate it. You are so handsome. I wish I could protect you. I am a fashion designer and I work with models. I think we share the same background. My family was very poor until a beautiful soul believed in me. Today I own a company and I have my own team. I believe that Director Stanley will like you with that stunning face of yours. When you are free, please visit my boutique just to drink tea or a cool drink.”

The young man smiled brightly and stood up. He reached out his hand and said, “My name is Xavier Taylor, nice to meet you, Miss Dube.” Joy was so shocked her mind became blank. She didn’t come back to her senses for a long time. Joy blinked her eyes, then she shook President Taylor’s hand and replied, “The pleasure is mine, President Taylor.” She hoped that she didn’t offend President Taylor.

The Taylor family was the wealthiest family in the country, and they were powerful. John Taylor and his wife, Caroline Taylor, had only one son, Xavier Taylor. The Lord had spent time when he created him. He was extremely handsome with beautiful deep blue eyes, broad shoulders and a slim waist. He was noble and he had the aura of a king. He took after his grandfather, Noah Taylor.

Xavier Taylor was a genius and an outstanding young man. He was excellent in every aspect. When he was four years old, his parents took him to Trinity Leadership Academy. They wanted their son to live a normal life. However, Principal Glen called his parents and told them that their son was highly intelligent, and it was a waste to keep him in Grade 00. His grandfather, Noah Taylor, removed him from school.

Grandfather Taylor hired private tutors for him. Since he was four years old, he had been privately tutored at home. When he was ten years old, he sat for the Grade 12 examination, and he became the top student in the country. At the age of 11, he was accepted at KZN University to study a Bachelor of commerce in Actuarial Science.

Xavier invited Joy into his office, and they sat on the sofa. His Executive Secretary, Cole Knight, brought snacks, then he left. Joy was dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe that the young man was the president. Xavier smiled and asked, “Are you surprised?”This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

Joy nodded her head and replied smiling, “I thought President Taylor was a middle-aged man with a bald head. You took me by surprise. How old are you, President Taylor? Are you related to the Taylor Group? Are you still in school?”

Xavier laughed out loud and said, “So many questions? I am twelve years old, and I am doing my second year at KZN University. Taylor Group was founded by my grandfather.” Joy was so shocked she was in the presence of the Taylor family heir. The Taylor family controlled the economy of the country.

Xavier looked at her and asked, “Why did you choose my company since there are so many companies who have been in this field for a long time?”

Joy smiled and replied, “I wanted to give the new company president a helping hand and to form a good relationship with him. Just to give him encouragement, to say that he is not alone, and he will be successful. Unbeknownst to me, the Restoration Group’s President is the Taylor family heir.”

Xavier nodded his head and agreed to cooperate with her. After they signed the contract, Xavier gave her the wedding dress design. He smiled and said, “I designed this dress for my soulmate. In order to attract brides to be, please design more wedding dresses in your boutique. One day my soulmate will buy this dress.”

Joy looked at the design, it was stunning. She looked at Xavier and asked, “Are you doing the Fashion designing degree?” Xavier shook his head and replied, “I am currently doing a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science. My family hired someone to teach me how to design clothes. In the future, I would like to design my wife’s clothes.”

Joy was so impressed, “You are so talented President Taylor, and I will take care of this wedding dress for you. When I am done, I will let you know.” Xavier smiled and said, “Miss Dube, please take your time, it is not urgent since I am not getting married yet. Please keep this matter a secret. Also, please don’t disclose that I have designed this wedding dress.”

Joy smiled and replied, “Don’t worry President Taylor, I will never betray your trust. Also, I will pray for you to meet your soulmate soon. Please come to my boutique anytime when you are free.” They stood up and shook their hands. Joy left President Taylor’s office smiling. What a handsome young man. She forgot to ask if he had any handsome cousin.

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